We headed out from Boerne, TX to Kyle where we were very excited to see our old pastor Bill and Molly from LHBC. We finally got to eat a home cooked meal which we appreciated SO much. We laughed, cried and prayed with them.
As we were leaving, Bill hastily slipped into his office and emerged a few minutes later with three chosen gifts for the kids. Tanner was given a pro wrestler action figure that Bill had collected along with this book.
How did he know Tanner would scour this book to discover how to choke hold effectively? For Alex, some binoculars which he kept on him all night and the next day in Austin. For Elise, a creepy talking doll with extraordinarily large feet
The doll repeats funny sayings like "it's okay, honey, I'll clean the garage today. Go golfing with your friends" and "my friends think you are hot". Although Elise doesn't understand her, she still enjoys pushing her talk button over and over. She carried creepy doll all over Austin the next day. Molly says that the local "weirdos" of Austin may think Elise is cool kookoo, and they will accept her. Weird is a good thing here. We are all still giggling at the sweet gifts that Bill parted with. He's such a sentimental man and we love him!
We stayed at the Sheridian near the Capitol in Austin, enjoying some more pool time and conversation with a cowboy church pastor. He was an interesting character on fire for Jesus! The south is much more overt and outspoken about their faith than us northerners. I speak personally, as I wish I were more forth right about how much faith plays a role in our lives. It's quite refreshing and very alive here.
Our hotel blocks from the Mondays adventure, "Tuba Christmas" on the Capitol steps. Our cousin, Willow is an extremely talented musician and she joined the other 200 tuba players for a wonderful concert of Christmas songs.
A fountain similar to one we drank from in Barcelona. Drink and you will return one day. Sadly, I took no photos of Uncle Russ, Aunt Jae or Willow. The weather was near 80 degrees. Crazy for us Idaho kids the week of Christmas. I took my sweater off and wore my tank top during the concert!
Big crowds on the steps of the Capitol.
Austin reminded all of us of a bigger Boise in many ways. It does have some interesting characters, easily spotted on their famous sixth street. The kids loved the Batman building too. It's a great downtown area.
Headed back to Kingsland now, minus a sweatshirt and two down jackets. That's the trouble with this crazy cold then hot weather. Boo. On a good note, only 3 days til Christmas!!
Love those Norris'.